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Friday, September 21, 2012

Big adjustments..

So going back to work has been a huge adjustment on my family and me. It has meant adjusting to new schedules, new persons, less time with Madden, more time on work, blah, blah... It has been really hard :(

I'm hoping that things will settle in and work out. I've been feeling very guilty about any time I spend away from Madden-- hence, no blogging. But, I think I need to get back into it again. It's something important to me and something that I love to do!

As for Madden, he is recovering from his first cold (snotty nose and all). He is tipping the scales at a whopping 17 lbs! I mean, this child EATS. He eats mostly sweet things, like his momma :) I think his favorites are pears and peaches, but he will down some oatmeal with mixed fruits!

He is also rolling over, both ways, which means no more swaddler :( He sleeps on his belly, when he sleeps, that is!! He clearly wants to be the center of attention, even at 3 a.m. and we are struggling to keep up!

We got him this fantastic jumper-oo thing that hangs from the door frame. He loves that thing! I like to make it into a swing and he things that is just hilarious. I am almost certain he will soon be crawling. If I turn my back for a SECOND, he has rolled and rolled under the coffee table or the bed, you name it.

Check him out....
Photo: Rock me?! I can rock myself!
Rocks himself in the rocking chair!

Photo: Chewing on the washcloth... Madden's favorite part of bath time!
 Loves chewing wash clothes!

Photo: My baby is turning into a big boy!
Rides like a big boy in the stroller!

Sorry, that was a scattered bunch of info, but I wanted to catch you all up! I will be back, soon :)


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

4 months..

Where has the time gone?

I am about to go back to work the end of August, and probably be a complete and total train wreck :( I hope I don't scare my Kindergarteners away!

Yesterday was our 4 month check-up. Madden weighs 15 lbs 5 ounces. Oh. My. Gosh. What a chunker!! The doctor gave us the o.k. to start some solid foods (even though I already have). So we gave him pears, which he gobbled up. 

And said, "MORE PLEASE!"

And then we gave him peaches, which he ate without complaint. Then..... We gave him bananas. And he almost fell out of his Bumbo with shock. He didn't care too much for them. I'd say the majority of them ended up on his bib. It was messy.

 Now, he is also starting to hang out in his exer-bouncer thinger. He loves it! He tries to stand up on his little piggies and he swats at the hanging toys and drools on the ones he can reach. It is so amazing to watch him grow developmentally. It's hard to believe that someday, he will be watching babies of his own :(

Monday, July 23, 2012

First real vacation!!

So, we took Madden on his first big vacation to the Outer Banks! He did great on the 5 1/2 hour car ride, which I am so thankful for! He wasn't very interested in sitting in the hot sun, even in his little tent. So, we spent most of our time taking turns hanging out with him at home or at the pool at our beach house. He liked to dip his feet in the pool, but didn't much care for his pool floaty. He was a trooper, especially being away from all the things he was used to.
He did love to look out onto the ocean during the evenings, after it wasn't so hot!

We also got some cute family photos taken-- just by our family. Check out daddy and Maddy :)


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Time Flies...

My baby is getting so big! He is now three months old and counting... Ah! He loves when I kiss on his feet, he thinks it is so funny! He also loves the TV. He strains his neck just to catch a glimpse. It is hilarious and probably not very good for him :/

We went on our first big trip this past weekend to PA to visit my grandparents. They could not get enough of us chubby little cheeks :) My 5 year old niece also got to spend some time with Madden. She was so enthralled by helping out, especially changing pee diapers. She would say, "hold his legs!!" I miss her already, she was such a big help. Sigh... I need time to sllllooooow down!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Long time...

It's been awhile since I have blogged. Well, I have blogged on my teacher site, but not here. I have been so busy!! Faithe has been helping me with this teacher store business, so it has consumed A LOT  of my time. 

Madden is getting so big! He is already 12 lbs 5 oz! I cannot believe it. He has developed such an amazing personality over the last 8 9 (OH MY GOSH) weeks. I love when he wakes up in the morning and gives me the biggest smile ever. Then when I pick him up he stretches his back so that his little tooshy sticks out. :) It is the sweetest thing!!

We are taking him to the beach for the first time this weekend. I am so excited for him to meet all of our friends there! Plus, I am in huge need for some sunshine! I got him some sweet new shades for our trip...

 Photo: Ready for his first beach trip!!

He is so obviously my son :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Love, love, & more love!

I'm so in love with Madden. I cannot imagine loving anyone or anything else as much. Last night, I was sitting on the couch after putting him to sleep and I realized that I missed him! I struggle to get him down for naps and bedtime everyday and then when he isn't right next to me, I miss him! Ah! What a crazy thing. Plus, he slept from 8:52 last night until 4:43 this morning! What a big boy!! I am just so sad he is growing up so fast. I know that I want another little one, but I can't imagine that it would be the same. I'd be chasing Madden around the house while trying to create the same bond with another child. Ugh... So much to think about. 

I have been doing a little internet browsing this week while Madden takes his naps and found something awesome you all need to check out!!

For every package you buy, Huggies gives diapers to a baby in need for a whole day!
I ordered two packs of these for Madden. I cannot wait to try them on him this summer!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy baby:)

Today was such a good day! Madden was so happy and he was a great sleeper:) We got some new board books and we are so excited to wake up tomorrow and read them together!
You know, babies make cute faces. I never realized just how cute each one was before Madden! Even his sad faces make me love him so much more. I just love watching him look around and take in new things. I can tell he is going to be a smarty like his mommy:D